Pilgrims Vs Puritans Venn Diagram

Pilgrims vs puritans venn diagram – Pilgrims vs Puritans: A Comparative Venn Diagram explores the fascinating history, beliefs, and impact of these two influential religious groups who played a pivotal role in shaping American society. This diagram offers a comprehensive overview of their similarities and differences, providing insights into their origins, motivations, settlement patterns, cultural values, and legacy.

The Pilgrims, driven by religious persecution, sought to establish a pure and independent church in the New World. In contrast, the Puritans aimed to reform the Church of England from within, believing in the need for a more purified and disciplined society.

Pilgrims and Puritans: Origins and Beliefs

Pilgrims vs puritans venn diagram

The Pilgrims and Puritans were two distinct groups of English Protestants who settled in America in the 17th century. Both groups were motivated by religious persecution in England, but they had different beliefs and practices.

The Pilgrims were a separatist group who believed that the Church of England was corrupt and that they needed to establish their own pure church. They left England in 1620 and settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts.

The Puritans, on the other hand, were a non-separatist group who believed that the Church of England could be reformed from within. They left England in 1630 and settled in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Religious Beliefs and Practices

  • Pilgrims:Believed in the Bible as the sole source of religious authority; practiced adult baptism and congregational church government; rejected the Book of Common Prayer and other Anglican practices.
  • Puritans:Believed in the Bible as the primary source of religious authority, but also accepted the teachings of the Church Fathers and the Book of Common Prayer; practiced infant baptism and a more hierarchical church government.

Motivations for Coming to America

  • Pilgrims:Primarily motivated by religious freedom; sought to establish a new society based on their own religious beliefs.
  • Puritans:Primarily motivated by a desire to reform the Church of England; hoped to create a model Christian society in America.

Settlement Patterns and Communities

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The Pilgrims and Puritans settled in different parts of America and had different approaches to community organization and governance.

Geographic Locations and Settlement Patterns, Pilgrims vs puritans venn diagram

  • Pilgrims:Settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1620; established a small, isolated community based on agriculture.
  • Puritans:Settled in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630; established a larger, more prosperous colony based on trade and commerce.

Community Organization and Governance

  • Pilgrims:Governed themselves through a Mayflower Compact, a self-governing agreement signed by the adult male settlers.
  • Puritans:Governed themselves through a representative assembly, the General Court, which was elected by the male members of the colony.

Economic and Social Structures

  • Pilgrims:Primarily engaged in agriculture and fishing; had a relatively egalitarian social structure.
  • Puritans:Engaged in a variety of economic activities, including trade, commerce, and shipbuilding; had a more hierarchical social structure with a wealthy elite and a large population of poor laborers.

Cultural and Social Life

Pilgrims vs puritans venn diagram

The Pilgrims and Puritans had different cultural and social values, attitudes towards education, family life, and recreation.

Cultural and Social Values

  • Pilgrims:Emphasized simplicity, hard work, and community; believed in the importance of education and literacy.
  • Puritans:Emphasized order, discipline, and piety; believed in the importance of education for both boys and girls.


  • Pilgrims:Established the first free public school in America in 1642.
  • Puritans:Founded Harvard College in 1636, the first college in America.

Family Life

  • Pilgrims:Emphasized the importance of the family; marriages were typically arranged by parents.
  • Puritans:Believed in the importance of marriage as a covenant between a man and a woman; marriages were typically based on love and affection.


  • Pilgrims:Engaged in recreational activities such as fishing, hunting, and playing games.
  • Puritans:Generally discouraged recreational activities, believing that they were a waste of time.

Essential Questionnaire: Pilgrims Vs Puritans Venn Diagram

What were the key differences between the Pilgrims and Puritans?

The Pilgrims sought complete separation from the Church of England, while the Puritans aimed to reform it from within.

Why did the Pilgrims and Puritans come to America?

The Pilgrims fled religious persecution, while the Puritans sought to establish a more purified and disciplined society.

What were the similarities between the Pilgrims and Puritans?

Both groups were deeply religious, placed a high value on education, and believed in the importance of community.